The American bresse chicken have many unique traits. Besides the blue coloration of thier feet, bresse birds are widely known for their excellent tasting meat. The American bresse comes in four colors, white, blue, black and splash. The Amercican white bresse is stictly for meat and egg production. When grown the white bresse will weigh on average around 6 to 7 lbs. American Bresse are know to be able during the fattening process to produce a marbling effect just like beef. This makes the most succulent, juicy, firm but tender meat imaginable. Along with the marbling effect, bresse have an intense flavor that leaves you begging for more. Bresse are a far cry from the bland chickens currently being put on our tables.
All colors of the bresse obtain the bright red comb and blue steel legs that makes them so attractive and poplar. The colored bresse when fully grown will reach a weight of around 5.5lbs. Making them a little smaller than the white breed.
Besides being widely known for thier meat, bresse chickens are also excellent egg layers. When fed the right mixture of food a bresse hen in her prime can lay up to 250 eggs per year per hen. Bresse hens lay a large golden brown egg.
Bresse chickens were first imported from France in 2011 into the United States . All bresse chickens in the U.S. are called American bresse due to import restrictions.
Bresse chickens are very expensive in France, commanding a high premium over other fine poultry in the region. One bresse hen in France can cost up to $200.00 U.S. dollars.
Bresse chickens are not what you are used to eating at the store. Most store bought chickens are White rock and cornish crosses. These birds are poplar in supermarkets because of their rapid growth rate. More often than not, these birds are ready to be processed in as little as 6 to 8 weeks. Bresse chickens taste nothing like the genetically modified meat most Americans are used to eating. Recent studies show that chicken is not the most poplar meat in America. However, that is about to change with the American bresse.
We will also be happy to help you with feed mixing to keep the cost of raising your poultry low. Any other questions you have regarding this excellent breed feel free to give me a call anytime at 662-871-5789.
Why raise anything else? The best meat along with excellent egg production!
This is the Rare breeds poultry first stop!
All colors of the bresse obtain the bright red comb and blue steel legs that makes them so attractive and poplar. The colored bresse when fully grown will reach a weight of around 5.5lbs. Making them a little smaller than the white breed.
Besides being widely known for thier meat, bresse chickens are also excellent egg layers. When fed the right mixture of food a bresse hen in her prime can lay up to 250 eggs per year per hen. Bresse hens lay a large golden brown egg.
Bresse chickens were first imported from France in 2011 into the United States . All bresse chickens in the U.S. are called American bresse due to import restrictions.
Bresse chickens are very expensive in France, commanding a high premium over other fine poultry in the region. One bresse hen in France can cost up to $200.00 U.S. dollars.
Bresse chickens are not what you are used to eating at the store. Most store bought chickens are White rock and cornish crosses. These birds are poplar in supermarkets because of their rapid growth rate. More often than not, these birds are ready to be processed in as little as 6 to 8 weeks. Bresse chickens taste nothing like the genetically modified meat most Americans are used to eating. Recent studies show that chicken is not the most poplar meat in America. However, that is about to change with the American bresse.
We will also be happy to help you with feed mixing to keep the cost of raising your poultry low. Any other questions you have regarding this excellent breed feel free to give me a call anytime at 662-871-5789.
Why raise anything else? The best meat along with excellent egg production!
This is the Rare breeds poultry first stop!