Creme Crested Legbars
$3.99 - $69.90
On Sale
per item
- Females $6.99 Each ON SALE!!
- Males $3.99 Each
- Day Old Chicks
- 260 Blue tinted eggs per year
- 6 - 7.5 Pounds
Cream legbars are medium – sized birds that are excellent foragers. The roosters have a very docile tempermant but are extremely protective of their flock. Legbar hens do not go broody very often and produce a large number of blue tinted eggs. On average legbar hens will lay 260 eggs per year per hen. Making this a great dual purpose bird!
If you are looking to add some color to your egg basket then look no further! Legbars have been an excellent addition to our farm. With their beautiful colored eggs legbars are an excellent addition to any back yard flock. We are currently carrying the Jill Reese bloodline in these birds!
If you are looking to add some color to your egg basket then look no further! Legbars have been an excellent addition to our farm. With their beautiful colored eggs legbars are an excellent addition to any back yard flock. We are currently carrying the Jill Reese bloodline in these birds!