15 Splash Bresse Chicks
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Splash Bresse Chickens are the worlds most delicious chicken. These birds are very beautiful birds with blue, black and white feathers. These birds have red combs and blue steel legs. However, some chicks do not have quite as much color as the one pictured when day old chicks. Bresse hens will lay up to 250 eggs per year also having a great disposition. Breese are heat and cold tolerant, making them very easy to care for. These birds are excellent dual purpose birds. These birds have been around for over 500 years and originated in France. Breese are the only chickens in the world that are protected by government. When fully grown hens will weigh around 5.5lbs. Roosters will weigh in at around 7 pounds. Hens will start laying eggs at around 4.5 months.